Ritesh Patel
Ansible Tower & CloudFormation
DevOps Rain with CloudFormation!
In this article I am penning down what I learned about "automating Ansible Tower install" - using a CloudFormation template.
Remember, it's not "automating with Ansible" instead it's "how to deploy Ansible Tower with a CloudFormation Template". I have used RHEL7.4 for this template.
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Number field override for ExtJs 6+
Trail me with zeros!
My Love for ExtJs
I love ExtJs. It is truly a butt kicking framework.
So, yes ExtJs is one of the frameworks I use on a daily basis. ExtJs is a pretty well sized framework to build Enterprise Applications or as a matter of fact just about any application. Learning curve is steep but rewards are enormous.
Assuming . . .
Content Provider Tutorial for VSCode
fake this content!
First and foremost this tutorial is about Visual Studio Code
and has nothing to do with Visual Studio
. Additionally, this tutorial is mainly geared towards developers writing extensions for Visual Studio Code (VSCode). Interested? Then let's move forward.
Lately, I have been doing quite a bit of TypeScript and dealing with Visual . . .
Posted in: textdocumentcontentprovidertypescriptvscode
Node, Chicken my IP!
ip man!
Every-now-and-then you have a need to retrieve your IP. Yeah, we all know you can go to IPChicken etc...and get it from there. I mean that is if you are a human and not a robot, right?
What if your app in a cloud has a need to retrieve user's IP? In my case, a Node Express app! Just like everyone I am flying in Amazon Cloud and . . .
Posted in: awscheck ipexpress jsnode js
El Capitan: Dev Devil!
Did you break my back?
And so last night I upgraded Mac OS X to El Capitan! Reason for the upgrade could be my fascination with Yosemite and El Capitan or I was picturing my self standing in front of El Capitan! Oh gorgeous!
Let's get this straight. If I could I would live in Yosemite forever. Well, it is my dream and I have to work my way towards . . .
Posted in: el capitan mongo driver issueerror installing mongo driver on on os xmongo driver installation erroros x upgradephp
Drupal In A Cloud - Part V
Drupal: Install Me
In the previous article we learned how to create a public subnet and install an EC2 instance in a public subnet. We also learned how to install MySql client and test connection to the MySql database.
Now, it's time to install Drupal on the EC2 instance. We will install and configure,
- PHP 5.x
- Apache Web Server . . .
Drupal In A Cloud - Part IV
Drupal: A Public Subnet & An EC2 Instance!
In previous article we created an RDS instance using two of the private subnets. In this article we will convert remaining private subnet into a public subnet. Once the public subnet is configured we will install an EC2 instance for Drupal Front-End.
Let's create a public subnet first.
Private - to - Public
We . . .
Cover image credit: http://flickr.com/photos/dpbirds/